Relaxing on a wet, rainy day can be lovely – but not so much if you’re out in your caravan. We all try to chase the sun as much as we can, but the weather is something you can’t control.
What you can be in control of however, is your wet weather plan! If you take some easy steps before you leave on your trip, no matter what the weather, you’ll have a great time.

First thing’s first, do you pre-trip vehicle and caravan check. That means have them serviced (a must before any trip). But if the weather forecast has even an inkling of rain, you need to pay close attention to these in particular:
· Tyres: Well-maintained tires are your first line of defence in wet weather. Ensure your caravan’s tires are in good condition, with proper tread depth and inflation. Check for signs of wear and replace tires as needed to maximise grip on wet surfaces.
· Brakes: Checking your brakes are in working order ensures both your vehicle and caravan’s braking system is reliable and responsive, reducing the risk of skidding or loss of control in rainy conditions.
· Lights: It’s important that all lights (including indicators and brake lights) are in working order. Enhanced visibility makes your van and vehicle more noticeable to other drivers but also helps you maintain a clear view of the road ahead.
· Wipers: Check your vehicle’s windshield wipers are in good condition and capable of clearing rain effectively. If they’re showing signs of wear, consider replacing them. It’s an inexpensive precaution that can make a big difference.
· UHF radio: Make sure your radio is in working order and you know what channels to tune into for traffic updates or to contact others on the road if you’re in trouble.
Also, is your caravan waterproof? Make sure you check all your seals because you don’t want any water getting inside. No one likes a leaky room, and broken seals also open you up to issues like wood rot. No thanks.
Before hitting the road, check weather forecasts and road conditions along your route. Being informed about potential heavy rain or storms allows you to plan your trip accordingly, possibly adjusting your travel schedule or route to avoid the worst weather.

If you’re caught up in a bad storm, remain calm and prioritise safety. If the rain gets too heavy, find a safe location to pull over. If you can’t do that, don’t rush and be patient, we all know driving on wet roads can often lead to accidents. Remember, your accommodation isn’t going anywhere.
Things to think about when driving in the rain:
· Slow down and take your time – Rainy conditions affect road traction, making it essential to reduce your speed. Slow down to maintain better control over your vehicle and caravan.
· Brake early and give yourself (and others) plenty of space – When towing a heavy caravan, remember that it takes longer to brake, especially in the rain. Give yourself more space to stop and start braking sooner and gently to ensure a safe and controlled slowdown.
· Keep your lights on – Make sure all your lights are on. It helps others on the road to see you and helps you see what conditions might lay ahead.
· Steer clear of puddles – If you can, go around or straddle them, as you can never tell how deep they are. Never drive through floodwaters, if it’s flooded, forget it.

It’s just as likely to rain while you’ve set up camp as it is while you’re driving. So, a few other things to keep in mind:
· Watch out for wind or hail – The rain isn’t the only thing that’ll cause problems, so too can wind and hail. Make sure to wind up your awning so it won’t get damaged.
· Make sure your pantry is stocked – We’re sure you’ve brought along everything you need to cook some delicious meals, but keep in mind you’ll need easy things to make inside if you can’t leave your van (that campfire dinner won’t be possible so make use of that indoor kitchen).
· Pack a wet weather emergency box -This one goes for both you and the kiddos! If it’s raining you won’t be able to go fishing, bushwalking or even relax outside, so make sure you’ll be entertained inside. With all the technology in the world, you’re only going to keep them occupied for a certain amount of time without mixing it up. Have a pre-packed box filled with colouring books, arts and crafts, card games and activity books to keep them amused when there’s nothing else to do. For yourselves, think of books or movies. Board games can be a winner for the whole family.